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Thursday, October 15, 2009

  1. Ralph Nader on the G20, Healthcare Reform, Mideast Talks and His First Work of Fiction---
  2. "Donald Trump Creating Millionaires at Trump Network!" oH REALLY WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES AND CAN WE SEE THE ...

Pre-paid legal

Pre-Paid legal, Inc (NYSE:PPD) Recruitment of Associates for the first two quarters of 2009 down over 23% from the ...

Prepaid Legal, Inc (NYSE:PPD) releases Q-3 09 membership fees, down 1.5% while total new memberships decline 7% ...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some recent tweets

A bible quote 4 Trump and his followers Pro 25:27 [It is] not good to eat much honey: so [for men] to search their own glory [is not] glory.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ty Tribble on MLM juices

"problem with these good juice products is if they are really good, they will show up in Costco and GNC "

I believe that Xango is hitting a wall now (in growth) mostly because the once unique mangosteen product is not so unique any longer. In fact, Costco has a more potent mangoteen product for less moneyWhat MLM Needs…Another Youth Juice

Then Ty says in 3/08
"Youth Juice is the latest super food scientifically engineered to provide an immune system boost. This brand new product is ripe for the taking. In my opinion, Monavie is out of the picture once the world hears about Youth Juice"

Internet Hype

Internet hype

Want to make 600 bucks a week and barely work an hour a day

QUIT your job! 1k dollars or more per week

I made $6,400 today - not bragging... just letting you know.

New cash flow in hours from Aidan Burke
150,000 per yr.this year- Chris Jackson hype

A new way to earn- Chris Jackson/Aidan Burke hype

Scammers of the day 8-8-09

Scammers of the day 8/8/09

Hanchey/Global Verge and Lifewave-Bankruptcy 2003

Teresa Curtis/Global Verge and HBO Tax Academy and YTB... Bankruptcy 2005

Monday, June 1, 2009


Bright Builders-Greg Cole

Ken Walton-Hammertap

Mike Dillard-Magnetic marketing scam/ Jason Bradley is a follower of his

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scams and scammers of the day

I will be posting names/companies as time allows. If not daily at least weekly.

Sonny Dinger-Global gifting/Magnetic Cash gifting
Rob Abrams-Global Gifting?Magnetic cash gifting

Chris Jackson-Your bill killer/Christian Biz Op/A Maggie L (ChristianBusiness newsletter) spams and then redirects to Chris Jacksons many scam sites and possibly

Jeanine and Barry Mathews-Christian opportunity online

Swawn Casey-Big time scammer. I clinked on a spam entitled "Are you a christian" Was directed to him. Mining Gold Corp.

Ewen Chia-see Shawn Casey

Monday, May 25, 2009

Another scam bites the dust

Good news. Jerry Brown Calif. AG has pretty well shut down the travel scam YTB in Calif.

Good work Jerry.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I have started a local meet-up group called Modesto Consumer Fraud Meet-up Group

for detailed go to

If you would like to start one in your area e-mail me at

One more scam bites the dust

Thank you Jerry Brown- Calif. Attorney General's office shuts down YTB a travel biz op scam
See details at

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Updated news on Scams and frauds

Here are the best sites to find out about frauds, scams and pyramid schemes My friend Robert Fiztpatrick has an excellent site. Has valuable

books available and other links. pro and con meet together. not for the faint of heart

One more bits the dust

Thanks to the courageous and tenacious work of soapboxmom, the MLM aussie two up "Christ-centered" scam called "Advantage Conferences" is at the end of the road.

To see more details go to and find thread on Advantage Conferences or go to

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Bernard Madoff scam may be the largest in history but it is only the tip of the iceberg.
Thousands of scams are currently on the internet.

Here are some of the more common types.

Affinity scams and frauds- They prey on church members or groups of people with common
interests. Religous scams are very common. Many portray themselves as "Christ-centered" while emptying your bank account.

MLM's Another type scam. Promises of easy money based upon recruiting friends and relatives and church or fellow club members. Again they empty your bank account and you lose your friends.

Foreclosure scams They promise to get you out of foreclosure for an up front fee. Never pay for services you can get for free. There are agencies that will help you for no charge.

Investment scams Promises of high return on investments. We have seen many cases here
in the San Joaquin Valley. Similar to the Madoff ponzi scheme. Usually the perpertrator is known by a friend or relative and works on a false sense of trust.

Feel free to share your experiences on this blog. You can remain anonomous. We are not judgmental. All of us have been taken as some time or other.

Frank Thomas
Ask the consumer advocate