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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ty Tribble on MLM juices

"problem with these good juice products is if they are really good, they will show up in Costco and GNC "

I believe that Xango is hitting a wall now (in growth) mostly because the once unique mangosteen product is not so unique any longer. In fact, Costco has a more potent mangoteen product for less moneyWhat MLM Needs…Another Youth Juice

Then Ty says in 3/08
"Youth Juice is the latest super food scientifically engineered to provide an immune system boost. This brand new product is ripe for the taking. In my opinion, Monavie is out of the picture once the world hears about Youth Juice"

1 comment:

Ty Tribble said...

I never said the following...ever....

Then Ty says in 3/08
"Youth Juice is the latest super food scientifically engineered to provide an immune system boost. This brand new product is ripe for the taking. In my opinion, Monavie is out of the picture once the world hears about Youth Juice"

- TyTribble